However to make it much easier for you, it will be better if you have the PS4 warranty and if not, there is a way out here. 

Depending on the level of damage done to your PS4, sony will charge To fix. the price to get it repaired varies from $50 to $150. If your PS4 HDMI port got loosed, it cost $10 to fix but if it got damaged it costs more. 

Repairing a PS4 is expensive to others, to fix a PS4 gear up costs about $150–$ 200, other companies charge $79–$89 which is cheaper when compared. In a situation where your PS4 is overheating and you want it fixed, at a discount price, it cost $100 depending on your location.

Some Other Prices to get your PS4 Fixed Are as Follows:

• To replace your PS4 Hard Drive it costs $99

• To fix signal issues on your TV costs between $79 & $99

• To fix a PS4 Disk, that has Disk Read Errors costs $79 to $179 depending on how bad is it and your location.

• To change your PS4 fan to another one it cost $99

Fixing PS4 with Warrant

Sony offers a warranty to users which runs for 12 months (1 year) if your PS4 develop any fault, they are obligated to fix it for free, irrespective of the issues it got.  To enjoy this offer, if you are within the warranty period, you will be required to contact Sony customer service to initiate the repair process. 

You may take your PS4 to an accredited Sony retail store where they will perform on-site repairs. But in a situation where Sony isn’t available around you, your PS4 will then have to be shipped.

Getting a PS4 warranty could cost around $10 to $70, however, this price depends on the period of the warranty and the retailer involved. Sony PS4 has a standard 12 months (1 year) from the actual date it was bought, it, therefore, has a limited warranty, that is during the period of which the warranty is running if the PS4 develops a fault, or has any serious issues, Sony will undoubtedly repair or replace it with a new one or repair the product to it best shape.

Sony offers long period Warranty which runs for 2 years more compared to the Limited warranty. The long-period warranty that works for 24 months costs $49.99 and it’s a must you purchase it within 30 days of the date you buy your real PS4.

Fixing a PS4 without Warrant

It is not certain whether you will be charged a certain amount but it depends on what is wrong if it is a minimal fault it will cost less compared to having a major fault which will attract a high price. Although people do suggest that taking it to another service center for the repair cost less and cheaper or at worst you can get another which is estimated to be around $400. 

Other Options & Stores for Fixing My PS4 without Warranty

There are many options and Stores for you to fix your PS4 apart from Sony Stores, which will charge to fix your PS4 except if it is beyond repair a new one is advisable. 

Some of these Stores and Options are as follows.

Nostros Tin: This is another store where your PS4 can be repaired and it might be available around you or accessible and convenient for you. They can replace and ship your PS4 to your location without you moving out of your location to get it and it will be delivered effectively.

GameStop: They specialize in various types of repairs which could serve as a big win for you to get your PS4 repaired it can also be swapped for another and the prices might be a good one for you.

Apart from those listed above, there are many other stores out there that do repair and fix PS4 you just have to find one that is closer and much more accessible and convenient for you, and also affordable.


In a situation whereby your warranty is invalid maybe because it has expired or any other issues, it’s better you use Sony for repairing your PS4 but there are also exceptions because of how long you might have this with you, or maybe you don’t have the warranty stickers.

In this case, you will pay and in the worst-case also it might not be accepted due to some circumstances.

What is the cost to repair my PS4 Overheating?

Reply: It costs $100 to fix the location and can determine the price.

What is the cost to Subscribe to the PS4 service?

Reply: The subscription plan depends on which one you prefer. For a 1year payment, you will be charged $59, and a 3months payment fee is $49 there are lesser subscription payments, for example, there is a fee of $4 at 99 cents, 1-month payment costs $24.

Can I repair my PS4 with Safe Mode?

Reply: You can develop a new database that won’t affect your previous data save on your PS4. All you have to do is pick option 5 on the Safe Mode Menu, “Redevelop Database” with this you can be able to develop your new database, and after you are done developing it reboot to activate changes. It takes time sometimes.