How Much Does YouTube Advertising Cost?

YouTube advertising cost an average estimation of $0.10 to $0.30 per view or per impression which is the amount the business that owns the ad will pay anytime a person engages or views the ad depending on the type of ad the business is operating on with an average daily estimation of $10.

Factors That Determine And Influence YouTube Ad Cost

The cost of advertising with the YouTube advertising facility or feature is determined by different factors such as:

The type of ad you wantBidding/BudgetingYour ad placement and ad competition

Types Of Ads And How They Determine Cost On YouTube

Bumper ads: the owner of the ad only pays when the ad receives at least 1000 impressions. The 1000 impression is multiplied by $0. 10-$0. 30 per impression.  

Display ads: this type of ad is calculated based on the number of people that views the ad, which is $0. 10-$0. 30 Per-click multiplied by the total views, with an average calculation of 100,000 views the advertiser pays $2000Skip-able ads: this type of ad can play before or in between another video. The viewer is allowed to skip the ad after five seconds of viewing it, the advertiser will be charged only if the viewer continues to view after the five seconds of playing the introductory part of the ad. This is the most common ad on YouTube videos. Non-skip-able ads: this type of ad last between fifteen to twenty seconds. It can not be skipped, the viewer watches the ad from the beginning to the end. Master head ads: this is a big visible digital billboard usually on the YouTube home page. This type of ad is based on reservations and the cost varies.  


This is how much a business is willing to bid, spend or budget on a particular advert placement on YouTube using the bidding system. The target audience is very important in determining your advert bidding or daily budget.

Bidders are advertisers who are bidding for their ads to be placed on a visible YouTube channel or placed on YouTube. The amount of money usually spent on bidding determines the business’s daily ad budget. The amount a business spends bidding for ad placement is determined by the number of people bidding for that same ad placement. This is usually done through the bidding system whereby the highest bidder’s ad is placed first.

 For instance, if Mr B bids for $1 per ad view or per impression with a monthly amount of $10 for a YouTube ad placement and Mr C bids for a lower amount which could be $0.66 per view or per impression with a monthly amount of $10. The two bidders are budgeting $10 each on monthly basis to run the ad. YouTube will show the ad of Mr. B first because he is paying higher money for anyone who sees the ad before showing Mr. C’s ad who bided lower. Mr B’s monthly subscription will expire earlier because he is paying higher per view compared to Mr. C that is paying lower per view.

It is advisable for bidders to not bid a very low amount on an ad placement that has many bidders because your ad might end up not showing at all or shown on a few occasions. 

The bidding is paid according to per view or per impression. 

YouTube will ask you to set .up your maximum daily ad budget.  The business owner will be allowed to set up a budget which will be used to determine how much the business owner is willing to pay when the viewers view or engage with the ad. The business owner can bid as low as $0.10 per view or per engagement of viewers.


Estimated views: 80-270Estimated impressions: 190-490


YouTube ad is one of the best ways of gathering traffic to business sites, marketing products, and pulling a large crowd. YouTube ad has made digital marketing and advertising easier and more affordable for business owners and created a form of generating income for YouTubers. 

Is YouTube ad affordable?

YouTube ads are affordable and pocket-friendly. YouTube allows you to set up your ad budget and set the amount per view or per engagement for $0.10.

What is the length for YouTube ad videos?

 It depends on the type of ad, the ad type will determine the ad video duration.