As a mid-YouTuber with 12k subscribers, I can firmly say that YouTube pays $125-$130 for 500,000 views in a single video. I’m occasionally unhappy with the compensation, but I’ve come to recognise that views don’t have much of an impact on income but the ads that are viewed that is the revenue.

YouTube does not compensate users for their subscriptions. YouTube only compensates you for adverts that show in your videos and are watched for at least 30 seconds. The prices per ad roll range from less than $ 0.01 to about $0.20. Also, for every 1000 impressions, impressions are paid between $0.10 to $5.

How Much Money Can You Make Through Youtube?

Let’s look at how YouTubers are compensated and how much money they make in a month (this is only from Ads).

It’s similar to having advertisements on your site or a site, with the exception that the advertisements are videos rather than text, photographs, or gifs (repeating short videos).

Let’s get started:

(YouTube only compensates you when your videos are accepted and monetized.)


Two metrics or characteristics are utilised by YouTube to calculate your pay:

The remuneration for the number of advert views (i. e. hits or views your monetized video receives) is known as CPM in technical terms. Now, to make it more trackable and simpler, advertising firms such as Google and YouTube pay you for every 1000 views, i. e. you get paid a certain sum for every 1000 views.

Note the amount varies depending on the niche in which the YouTubers operate.

E.g.: A gaming YouTuber may earn $4 per 1000 views, but a real estate YouTuber may earn up to $15 per 1000 views.

The number of clicks on an advertisement; This second payment metric is also known as CPC. YouTube gives you a certain amount of money each time a viewer clicks on the link to the advertiser’s website. This includes the number of people who continue to watch the video after the ‘5 seconds skip to video’ timer has expired. It is important to note that this is not the same as the CPM we discussed earlier. You will be compensated for this as well.

Note: The amount paid is determined by the viewer’s location. Also, it is dependent on the niche you are in!

For example, YouTube would pay a tech YouTuber up to $1.2 for a click from American viewers, but $0.90 and $0.09 from Canadian and Indian viewers, respectively.

How is the revenue counted?

There are no limits to how much money you may make on YouTube; even if your video has millions of views, you can continue to make money.

First, revenue is counted:

Depending on the location of your target audience.

Your revenues are determined by the country from where you post videos or the location from which your viewers are located. On 1000 views, you can earn $ 0.5- $1 if your audience is from India. You may make up to $ 2- $5 per 1000 views if your audience is from a place like America, London, or Australia. The amount of money you can make is determined by whether or not the advertiser is running advertising and how many adverts are shown on your video.

Depending on the niche of your videos

You make money from YouTube. It also relies on your video’s speciality. If you are creating films about insurance, digital marketing, or anything else, this is the place to be. In comparison to other niches, you can earn more money because these niches have large advertiser firms that run advertisements on YouTube all the time.

The length of your video.

If you can produce videos that are longer than 8 minutes and still keep your audience, you will be able to earn more money than if you make films that are shorter than 8 minutes. Because you may insert many adverts with a duration of 8 minutes or more in between.


Users are not compensated for their YouTube subscriptions. YouTube will only pay you if your videos contain advertisements that are watched for at least 30 seconds. The cost of an ad roll varies from less than $ 0.01 to almost $0.20. In addition, impressions are compensated between $0.10 and $5 for every 1000 impressions. You need to be eligible to start earning, when you reach 1,000 subscribers and 4000 watch hours, you can start making money from your videos. The nation from where you submit videos or the region from which your visitors are situated determines your earnings. If your audience is from India, you may earn $ 0.5- $1 per 1000 views.

When can I start monetizing my YouTube account?

You may monetise your videos when you get 1,000 subscribers and 4000 view hours.

How much can I expect to earn for 1k views after monetization?

For every 1–2k views on a monetized video, you’ll earn about $0. 5–$1. It pays nicely if you have a large number of videos.

Do views matter in generating my revenue?

Not exactly, if people don’t watch the ads that are displayed on your videos then the revenue is not counted.