How much does YouTube pay for 1 million views?

It depends on what type of channel you have, how many subscribers you have, and most importantly, whether your channel is advertiser-friendly. There are three types of YouTube accounts: personal channels that aren’t eligible to participate in YouTube’s Partner Program; non-partner business channels with a limited number of mostly non-skippable ads; and finally partner business channels that run full-length video ads. 

The first two account types earn money based on watch time or paid clicks, while partner channels make money based on impressions or cost per thousand (CPM) — whichever pays more. The more popular your videos are and/or if they’re deemed advertiser-friendly, the more likely it is that you will be able to monetize them. 

If you put ads on your video, the typical income for a video with 1 million views is between $2,000 and $3,000. A popular YouTuber named VanossGaming earned an estimated $4 million in 2016 alone from his gaming videos alone. How much VanossGaming makes per video is unclear, but we do know he has 25 million subscribers as of now. 

A detailed guide on the amount you can earn per view

Youtube has many different ways to earn money. One of these ways is with AdSense, which is an advertisement that plays before a video. YouTube pays every time an ad gets clicked. However, they will only display a small number of ads per video and you won’t get paid if no one clicks on your ads. 

The amount Youtube pays can vary greatly based on various factors such as: how engaging your video is, how many people are watching it if you have ads running in it or not, and more.

It should be noted that when looking at income from ads on Youtube there are two main variables involved: CPM (cost per thousand impressions) and CPC (cost per click). CPM refers to how much money you make every 1000 times your video is played while CPC refers to how much money you make each time someone clicks on one of your ads. 

For example, let’s say you made $10 last month off ads and had 10k views. That means you made $1/1000 * 10k = $0.10/view. Now let’s say that next month you got 20k views but still made $10 total off ads. This would mean you now made $0.05/view since you doubled your views but kept earnings constant. In other words, just because you got twice as many views doesn’t mean you also doubled your money!

How much can you earn per view?

When you’re starting, a thousand views can seem like an incredible amount of money. Unfortunately, things just don’t work that way. The more popular your video is, the more money you’ll be able to earn per view. Some videos can earn over $2 or even $3 per 1000 views! But if your video only receives a few hundred views in its first week or two (and it will), then your earnings will be closer to $0.25 – $0.50 per thousand views. 

Factors affecting per view price

The two main factors affecting the per-view price are: how many viewers there are on YouTube and how many adverts are displayed with your video. The more videos you have that have a lot of viewers, or a lot of people watching your ads, the higher your price per view rate will be. 

But, as stated above, it is not only about how many viewers but also about how long they stay on your page. If they click away after just a few seconds, then you won’t get paid as much as if they stayed longer. 

How will YouTube pay me?

When you start getting a lot of views on YouTube, you’ll start earning money. Also, if you expect to earn around 10,000 views, you can earn more money. Furthermore, YouTube will monetize your videos via pre-roll, display, and ad clicks. It will offer you 55% of the revenue while keeping the other 45% for itself. In addition, all creators must follow YouTube’s guidelines. You can receive your payment directly into your account every month. 


So, as it turns out YouTube pays you a decent amount of money when your video hits one million views. For example, if your video is about cats and you’re uploading it to a generalist channel with other cat videos then expect to earn between $3-$6 per 1000 plays. If on the other hand, your channel is full of videos about Cats vs Dogs then you can expect around $1-2 per 1000 plays.

Can I automatically get paid by YouTube?

No, YouTube does not compensate you for simply posting videos. As a result, you must enable your monetization options. It is also critical to adhere to all of the company’s terms of service. As a result, you should concentrate on the content quality and target audience to achieve the desired number of views.

Does the number of subscribers affect my YouTube income?

For your YouTube channel, having a large number is critical. It also increases the amount of organic traffic and views of your movies. YouTube, on the other hand, does not pay according to the number of subscribers. They’re also necessary for quickly improving your video’s ranking and expanding your audience and revenue.

Are my YouTube earnings taxable? 

Yes. The YouTubers will have to pay tax on profits under the head profits. As a result, if your gross income exceeds the threshold, you must pay the tax. And YouTube generates a considerable amount of revenue. 

Grammarly Report

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