This platform features links to Education, curriculum support resources, books, uniforms, technology, and many features.

6. Audible

Audible is the world’s most extensive digital audiobooks and audio content collection. Audible is free for 30 days, and you get two free audiobooks. These contain a wide range of genres, themes, and professional narrations; you can listen to them whenever and wherever.

It streams many educational shows, movies, and series perfect or classroom.

Teachers can select playlists for their classrooms or play podcasts related to their subjects.

This program is exclusive for kids and offers Kids friendly books, movies, and apps with unlimited access. Prime members get a 40% discount.

It is a kind of dream opportunity for every teacher. They can publish books, create educational videos and earn royalties and copyrights with complete control over their creative works.

AWS Educate is a global initiative to train students in cloud-related learning and careers. It gives free self-paced classes and challenges to build cloud computing skills and abilities. It also allows to contact with cloud-based professionals and accelerates learning.

It is a good and safe place to sell the learning materials you have created. You can join for free and sell originally printable, lesson plans, and all as digital downloads.

It is a program for teachers to share educational books and E-resources with students quickly. Teachers can once purchase it and share it with all of their student’s devices. These eBooks have many benefits, including immediate access, saving money, and being portable.

18. Prime Free Trial

A collection of books, magazines, fiction, and non-fiction are available to read for free.

  1. Is amazon prime membership free for teachers?