A client is required to buy a subscription of $14.99 for a monthly plan or $149.99 for an annual plan. In addition, TiVo offers a one-time subscription plan to their customers at the cost of $599.99 plus taxes. Clients are necessarily required to purchase a TiVo set-up box to avail services. 

Is It Mandatory Purchasing a Set-up Box With Subscription?

The TiVo service plans are the software that provides access to schedule recording, streaming content through several OTT platforms such as Netflix. TiVo set-up box is mandatory to receive the TV signal from a service provider and store the recorded content. TiVo doesn’t offer a subscription without a TiVo set-up box. In the same way, there is no use of a set-up box without a subscription plan.

What Is The Cost of TiVo Set-up Box?

TiVo offers various categories of set-up boxes. Below-mentioned the cost and details of offered set-up box offered by TiVo:

TiVo Edge for Cable: This box cost nearly $399. 99. It is compatible with cable and can store 300 HD hours of television or six shows at once. It includes 2 terabytes of storage

TiVo Edge for Antenna: It costs $349. 99. This box is suitable for clients who want to get access to local news and streaming services. This box also has the same features and storage capacity as TiVo Edge for cable.

TiVo Bolt Box: This box serves both cable and antenna and costs $199. 99. It comes with a storage capacity of 1 TB and can store HD recording of up to 150 hours

TiVo Bolt OTA for Antenna: With a cost of almost $250, it comes with a storage capacity of 1 TB and can store 150 hours of HD recording

TiVo Mini VOX: Its cost is almost $180. This box gives the facility and extends TiVo services to additional televisions

Do TiVo Offers Discounts on Subscriptions?

TiVo doesn’t offer any straight discounts on subscriptions. However, TiVo offers some excellent deals to the clients. Under these deals, TiVo offers a deduction in the final price of set-up boxes. Set-up boxes purchased under these deals come with a flexible policy of free shipping and returns, along with 30-days money-back guarantee. A client has the option to explore several third-party platforms to get a coupon code to receive some discounts on subscriptions. However, these platforms are not very reliable.

Are TiVo Subscriptions expensive to purchase?

TiVo has emerged as one of the best service providers in America. A large segment of clients finds TiVo services expensive to avail. TiVo manufactures the best quality of devices and provides excellent service. In addition, due to the tough competition in the market TiVo services have become a little more expensive. Its high termination fees and separate payment method for set-up box and subscription make TiVo an expensive brand. 

How Reliable TiVo Services Are?

TiVo has maintained excellent goodwill in terms of delivering the best service to the American people. With a track record of more than two decades, most of TiVo’s subscribers seem to be satisfied. In addition, the hardware equipment of TiVo is believed to be the best quality device. TiVo enjoys loyal customers who recommended TiVo over any other provider. However, some of the clients are not very pleased with TiVo and have registered complaints regarding poor customer support. 

What is TiVo Termination Fee?

A client is required to sign a two-year contract while going for a monthly subscription. In case, a customer is willing to cancel the subscription contract before 2 years, the customer is entitled to pay a termination fee to TiVo. If the client is canceling the contract in the initial 12 months, the client shall be liable to pay $150 to TiVo. $75 would be the termination fee if the client is canceling the subscription during the period of 13-24 months. 


TiVo has been serving the American people for decades. TiVo offers numerous subscription plans to address the requirement of every segment. In addition to plans, TiVo offers several set-up box options so that needs of every person could be catered as per their budget. TiVo doesn’t offer discounts on subscriptions, but discounts are offered on set-up boxes. High termination fees and separate payment methods are responsible to make TiVo an expensive choice. Even though standing at a higher price, TiVo enjoys a loyal customer base. 

  1. What subscription plans are offered by TiVo?

A.TiVo offers three subscription plans i.e. a monthly plan for $14.99, an annual plan for $149.99, and a one-time plan for $599.99.

  1. Does TiVo’s one-time plan come with a lifetime facility?

A.Yes, a client is required to pay $599.99 plus taxes to enjoy lifetime hassle-free service. The plan is compatible with both edge and bolt set-up boxes. In the case of ownership transfer, the subscription plan lies with the box itself.

  1. Are There Additional Charges While Purchasing Subscription?

A.No, there are no extra charges. However, a customer is entitled to pay certain additional taxes while purchasing TiVo equipment and subscription.