Yes, Watch Dogs 2 is available for free on PS4.

Yes, Watch Dogs 2 is still free on PC. However, the game’s season pass is now available for purchase.

If you have an Ubisoft account, you can get Watch Dogs 2 for free by downloading the game from the Ubisoft website. You will need to create a new account and sign in to get the code.

There is no one definitive answer to this question. Some people may feel that it is worth playing, while others may not find it to be all that great. Ultimately, what you think of the game depends on your own individual preferences.

There is no confirmation or denial at this time.

Watch Dogs 1 is better. It has more content and a better story.

Watch Dogs 2 is approximately 8.5 GB on PlayStation 4.

There is no confirmation or denial at this time.

Yes, you can play Watch Dogs 2 without playing the original game. The story is continued in a new setting and players will need to complete certain tasks in the new game in order to unlock content in the original game.

Watch Dogs 2 is a lengthy game, but it’s not as long as some other open world games. It can take around 50-60 hours to complete, but there are plenty of side quests and activities to keep you busy.

Yes, you can play Watch Dogs offline by downloading the game from the PlayStation Store or Xbox Live Marketplace.