8GB is enough for Adobe Illustrator if you are only working with basic files. However, if you are working with more complex files or multiple files at once, you may need more RAM.

Illustrator can use a lot of RAM, depending on the size and complexity of the document. For basic documents, 2-4GB of RAM should be enough, but for more complex documents with lots of objects and layers, 8GB or more may be needed.

The minimum specs for Adobe Illustrator are a processor that is 1GHz or faster, 1GB of RAM, and a monitor resolution of 1024×768 pixels.

Illustrator is not a heavy program, but it can take up a lot of space on your computer.

16GB is a good amount of storage for basic graphic design work. It will allow you to save files in multiple formats, including high-resolution images and videos. However, if you plan to do more intensive work or store a large library of files, you may need more storage space.

No, it’s not too much RAM. In fact, it might not be enough for some users. More and more software is being written to take advantage of the extra RAM, so having more than 32GB can be helpful.

It depends on what you’re designing. If you’re working on simple projects like flyers or logos, a few GB should be enough. But if you’re working on more complex projects with lots of graphics and images, you’ll need more storage space.

8GB of RAM is enough for Photoshop, but it might not be enough for other applications you are using. For example, if you are also using Premiere Pro, you might need more than 8GB of RAM.

4GB is enough for basic graphic design, but if you want to do more complex work or work with larger files, you’ll likely need more.

There is no definitive answer to this question, as different graphic designers will have different preferences for RAM. However, some general tips on choosing RAM for graphic design work include looking for high-speed modules with low latency, and opting for a larger amount of memory if possible.