The amount taken out of your Paychecks depends on the state and how you live. Every state has a percentage taken from your salary i.e. income tax. How you live also influences the tax taken out of your Paychecks. A single-person income tax is different from a married couple’s income tax.

Percentage Taken As Income Tax By States

This list will be in alphabetical order.

Alabama- The Percentage of income tax for a single person is 21%, and joint filing is 17%. Arkansas- The Percentage of income tax for a single person is 21%, while joint filing is 17%. California- The Percentage of income tax for a single person is 25%, while joint filing is 13%. Delaware- The Percentage of income tax for a single person is 24%, while joint filing is 19%. Florida- The Percentage of income tax for a single person is 17%, while joint filing is 14%. Georgia- The Percentage of income tax for a single person is 23%, while joint filing is 19%. Hawaii- The Percentage of income tax for a single person is 28%, while joint filing is 22%. Idaho- The Percentage of income tax for a single person is 22%, while joint filing is 16%. Lowa- The Percentage of income tax for a single person is 23%, while joint filing is 18%. Kansas- The Percentage of income tax for a single person is 23%, while joint filing is 17%. Kentucky- The Percentage of income tax for a single person is 21%, while joint filing is 17%. Louisiana- The Percentage of income tax for a single person is 20%, while joint filing is 16%. Maine- The Percentage of income tax for a single person is 23%, while joint filing is 17%. Maryland- The Percentage of income tax for a single person is 26%, while joint filing is 20%. Nebraska- The Percentage of income tax for a single person is 23%, while joint filing is 17%. Nevada- The Percentage of income tax for a single person is 18%, while joint filing is 14%. New Hampshire- The Percentage of income tax for a single person is 26%, while joint filing is 20%. New Jersey- The Percentage of income tax for a single person is 25%, while joint filing is 18%. New Mexico- The Percentage of income tax for a single person is 19%, while joint filing is 14%. New York- The Percentage of income tax for a single person is 25%, while joint filing is 19%. North Carolina- The Percentage of income tax for a single person is 21%, while joint filing is 17%. North Dakota- The Percentage of income tax for a single person is 20%, while joint filing is 15%. Ohio- The Percentage of income tax for a single person is 19%, while joint filing is 16%. Oklahoma- The Percentage of income tax for a single person is 21%, while joint filing is 16%. Oregon- The Percentage of income tax for a single person is 27%, while joint filing is 22%. Pennsylvania- The Percentage of income tax for a single person is 21%, while joint filing is 17%. Rhode Island- The Percentage of income tax for a single person is 23%, while joint filing is 17%. South Carolina- The Percentage of income tax for a single person is 21%, while joint filing is 16%. South Dakota- The Percentage of income tax for a single person is 18%, while joint filing is 14%. Tennessee- The Percentage of income tax for a single person is 17%, while joint filing is 13%. Texas- The Percentage of income tax for a single person is 18%, while joint filing is 14%. Utah- The Percentage of income tax for a single person is 25%, while joint filing is 20%. Vermont-The percentage of income tax for a single person is 22%, while joint filing is 17%. Virginia- The Percentage of income tax for a single person is 25%, while joint filing is 20%. Washington DC- The Percentage of income tax for a single person is 20%, while joint filing is 15%. West Virginia- The Percentage of income tax for a single person is 20%, while joint filing is 17%. Wisconsin- The Percentage of income tax for a single person is 23%, while joint filing is 18%. Wyoming- The Percentage of income tax for a single person is 19%, while joint filing is 14%.

NB- The percentages are rounded-off. 


Living in Tennessee and Florida has an advantage when it comes to tax returns. They have the lowest percentage for single and joint tax filing. Hawaii and Oregon are disadvantageous when it comes to tax returns. They have the highest Percentages for single and joint tax filing. 

Is it possible to evade this tax?

No. Don’t even try it unless you want to be imprisoned.

When can I do a joint tax filing?

The joint tax filing is for a married couple with a steady income.