Every country in the world has got a central bank that is the head of commercial and other types of banks that are operating their business within that particular country. In today’s world, people witness different kinds or forms of currency or, say, money. Money can be in the form of notes, coins, and electronic transfers, which are intangible factors here.

How Many Types Of Money Are There?

According to economic terms, there are three kinds of money. They are commodity money, fiat money, and bank money. If an individual wants to understand the demand and supply and how money flows in the market, then they would have to do certain research in economics.

Economics will help an individual understand how money plays its role or how they perform a crucial part in business and also in the development of a country’s infrastructure and other things along with it.

Commodity money is nothing but the value that comes with a commodity. Whereas fiat money, on the other hand, is the type of currency that is not backed by any commodity such as gold or silver. Bank money consists of checks and drafts that commercial banks issue to their customers. Transactions are possible because of these things.

How Much Is The World Worth?

You would be surprised to know that there is an amount that is given to the total worth of the world, which is about $16 trillion to $54 trillion per year. Therefore, the average would be around $33 trillion, which is a number that we cannot even imagine. However, the top billionaires in the Forbes list might make that possible if not the full amount, they can make a pretty huge contribution.

It is also quite interesting that people are able to put a price tag on everything that they see. If people could put a price tag on solar systems and moon and stars, then what would be the price on them, and how would people pay for such kinds of things. Well, that would be something that people do not have an answer to.

What Is The Future Of Cash Money?

The future of money seems to be quite evolutionary because people would witness the digital era. With most countries adapting to the digital mode of the payment system, there will be almost zero usage of cash in the upcoming years. People will not move around with wallets in their back pockets, but they will only carry their smartphones to make an online payment.

Cryptocurrency is one of the modes of payment that will grasp the market, and people will shift towards such kind of payment system in the market. Cryptocurrency is yet not effective in most countries but still, many countries have accepted it as one of the modes of payment. Several countries have started trials of central bank digital currency.

However, it would still be a difficult decision whether countries will shift towards the digital currency or keep them both so that people will have different options. It would be a debatable topic for most people to choose the best way of making payment.


In the end, it is all about how money plays an important role in everyone’s life. Without money, people will not be able to survive because people have evolved in such a way that for everything that we want to possess, we would want money so that we pay for the value of something that we want to purchase. 

Money has got quite the future ahead because it is quite a debatable topic as to whether the money will be replaced by other types of currency like digital money or cryptocurrency. Every country in the world has got a central bank that is the head of commercial and other types of banks that are operating their business within that particular country. In the current world, people witness different kinds or forms of currency, or rather say money. Money can be in the form of notes, coins, and electronic transfers, which are intangible factors here.