The Xbox 1 has 8GB of RAM.

4GB is enough for the Xbox 360, but you may need more storage if you plan on downloading a lot of games and other content from the Xbox Live Marketplace.

The RAM of the PS4 is 8GB.

The PlayStation 2 had 128MB of RAM.

GTA 5 for Xbox 360 is a whopping 8GB!

The Xbox 360 has a hard drive capacity of up to 4GB.

You can’t add more GB to your Xbox 360. The console has a fixed amount of storage, and that’s all you can use. However, you can delete games and other content from the console to free up space.

The Playstation 1 has 2MB of RAM.

The PlayStation 5 will have 16GB of RAM, according to a report from Wired. This is an increase from the 8GB found in the PlayStation 4 Pro.