Adobe Photoshop is a photo editing software that can take up anywhere from 2GB to over 20GB of storage space. This is depending on the version and features installed.

Lightroom is a photo editing program that can be used on a computer or an iPhone. The program is typically about 120 MB, but it can vary depending on the version and the features being used.

Photoshop and Lightroom require a computer that has a minimum of an Intel Core i5 processor and 8GB of memory. Additionally, both programs require at least an AMD Radeon R9 290 or Nvidia GeForce GTX 970 graphics card.

Photoshop requires a minimum of 8GB RAM in order to operate properly. If you are using a computer that was built specifically for Photoshop, or if you are working with large files, then 16GB or even 32GB of RAM may be necessary. However, 8GB of RAM is generally enough for most users.

There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on a number of factors, including the types of photos that are being stored, the editing and processing that is planned for those photos, and the computer’s hardware capabilities. Generally speaking, however, many users find that 16 GB is generally enough space for Lightroom.

Photoshop and Lightroom require a minimum of 8GB of RAM to operate effectively. Though 16GB of RAM is ideal, 8GB is more than enough for most tasks.

You can get Photoshop and Lightroom together if you have a subscription to Adobe Creative Cloud. This will give you access to all of the products.

There is no definitive answer to this question. Depending on your specific needs, an i7 may be better for Photoshop than an i5. Generally speaking, an i7 is more powerful than an i5 and can handle more complex tasks with ease. If you are only using Photoshop occasionally, an i5 may be sufficient.

In most cases, 16GB of RAM is more than enough for photo editing. A computer with 16GB of RAM can process photos much faster than one with only 4GB of RAM. Additionally, photo editing software typically doesn’t require as much memory to run as other programs do. Therefore, a computer with 16GB of RAM is usually enough for basic photo editing tasks.

There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on a variety of factors, including the type of photography that you plan to use Lightroom for, your computer’s overall performance, and the features that you require. However, some commonly recommended CPUs for use with Lightroom include Intel’s Core i5 and Core i7 processors, as well as AMD’s Ryzen processors.