How Much Should You Tip In Different Countries?

Some statistical sources have investigated how much tips are given on average in restaurant

The tradition of tipping taxis in each country is different from each other. In some countries, a certain amount is paid after the trip, while in others there is no need to tip. Sometimes even the driver himself can expect a tip from tourists. If you don’t want to drop a clanger in your foreign trips, it would be good for you to check out the list below first.


It would be right to leave 5-10 percent on your taxi driver, 1 euro per bag on your bellboy, and 1-2 euros per day on your floor attendant. In a famous German book written on etiquette, also on the topic of tips, it is said: “When you take a taxi, add 3-5% to the taximeter.” There are instructions in the form.


Taxi drivers are generally paid by taximeter and are tipped especially when they travel late at night or in dangerous areas. And sometimes it is customary to round up the fare in taxis to the nearest large number. The custom of tipping is an expression of gratitude for a good service and a friendly attitude. In addition, airport taxis can be given a tip of 3 reais per suitcase. In hotels, there is no need to leave a lot of tips.


This is exactly the country where tipping is intertwined with society and integrated into the economy. You have to give your tip to the waiter, hairdresser, busboy, bellboy, taxi driver, in short, all kinds of professionals in the service sector. 10 Percent stingy tip, 12 percent so so, 15 percent reasonable, 20 percent ideal… In the USA, a taxi driver expects a 15% tip.


Japan’s attitude to tipping is extremely remarkable. Tipping in this Far Eastern country is considered an extremely rude act. In Japan, the word tip is taboo. Neither the taxi driver nor the waiter have such an expectation. If you insist, you will be left with embarrassing them. If you really want to leave a tip, you need to put the money in a tightly closed envelope. And if you do, please don’t leave politeness out of hand.

The National Tourism Organization boasts about this rule, saying that ”The absence of a tip makes Japan a paradise for tourists.”  In Japan, taxi drivers are paid enough flat fees to support a family, and it is not considered appropriate to ask for a tip. But since taxi drivers in Japan do not consider baggage transportation a part of their services, passengers often make an attempt to tip for this service.


On average, taxi drivers are given a 10 percent tip on the trips you make. In hotels, you can give 1-2 euros per bag to bellboy, 1-2 euros to the concierge every morning, 1-3 euros to room service, 1-2 euros to the doorman who calls a taxi.


It is not mandatory to leave a tip in Greece, but you can round the amount that needs to be paid, especially if you pay the account in cash. A tip is not required in taxis, but there is such an expectation from tourists. In hotels, it is enough to give bellboy 1 euro.


The custom of tipping is widely practiced in Italy. In general, in hotels, you can give 1-3 euros per bag to bellboy, 1 euro per day to the hotel concierge, 1 euro to the doorman for calling a taxi, and 1 euro for carrying your bags. Taxi drivers, on the other hand, expect a tip of 15% of the road money.


Since taxi drivers are obliged to turn on the taximeter, the amount of road money is fixed. Despite this, a 10% tip is expected for good service in both restaurants and hotels, and this is considered an expression of gratitude from customers. It is a courtesy rule to round the amount indicated on the taximeter when paying the taxi fare and thus not to force the driver to give a coin. It is also necessary to issue a tip for luggage.

As a result, the tradition of tipping taxi drivers will vary depending on the region you are in and the society you live in. Therefore, it should be known that each culture has different characteristics and tips should be left in accordance with the rules.

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