The Toilet Paper Guide.

An average person should use 7 sheets per wipe. Depending on the toilet usage, an individual could use 4.6 percent of a regular roll of 150 sheets per toilet visit. You may wonder, how much toilet paper can be used a day?

How Much Toilet Paper Should You Use A Day?

Records show that 50 percent of people use the toilet once a day, while some 28 percent report going twice daily. A large number of people use the toilet about 5 times a day, but anything within the range of 4-10 is considered “normal.” Meanwhile, an average person is said to use nearly 7 sheets per wipe, that is approximately 6.4 sheets per toileting occasion for women and 8 sheets per occasion for men.

What about your family members or do you live with a friend?

How Much Toilet Paper Can A Family Use?

The larger the family, the higher the amount of toilet paper to be used. A family of two is likely to use 14 sheets of toilet paper per wipe which is about 9.3 percent of the regular toilet paper roll. What if a family member is a type that visits the toilet 5 times or more a day? If an average of 7 sheets per wipe is used, per day that individual could use about 35 sheets and would exhaust a regular roll of 150 sheets of toilet paper in about 4.3 days. Therefore, this family could use a ballpark of 127 rolls of tissue paper per year.

If your family were bigger than two members then the toilet paper usage will be even higher, meaning you will have to place in new toilet papers every 5 days or less.

Does the Toilet Paper You Use Matter?

Of course, the type of toilet paper you use does matter. 3 sheets of toilet paper could do the trick but depending on how long it lasts to get the job done. Toilet papers are in different varieties and serve various purposes, but the primary usage is to wipe the anus after defecation.

Consider the following factors when buying toilet paper that fits its primary usage.

StrengthNumber of PliesSoftnessEnvironmental friendlinessChlorine Content

Why Consider the Strength?

Toilet papers come in different strength levels, which is the degree of resistance to puncture. The puncture force of a toilet paper can be determined by simply touching or pressing it. Durable toilet paper will not easily puncture and this means lesser than 7 sheets of toilet paper will get the job done.

What Are Plies?

Plies are the different layers of a toilet paper sheet. some toilet papers have only one-ply, some two plies while other toilet papers can have up to six plies. However, most toilet papers have two plies. And the higher the number of plies the thicker and stronger the toilet paper is.

Why Consider the Softness?

Toilet papers can be of three main textures soft, silky, or rough. Some toilet tissue feels softer and some are lightly textured than others.  Therefore, when buying toilet paper make sure to purchase one that fulfills your preferences.

Why Consider Environmental Friendliness?

To conserve the environment, many toilet paper companies are producing environmentally-friendly toilet paper. This type of toilet paper is made from recycled materials, thereby reducing the impact that our habits have on the environment.

Why Chlorine Content?

In the past, Chlorine is used as the primary agent to bleach paper. Nonetheless, studies show that chlorine can have a damaging effect on the environment, as it can be a critical pollutant in both air and water. Additionally, chlorine is said to have harmful effects on the skin. Therefore, make sure to purchase chlorine-free toilet paper.

When next you want to purchase toilet papers, ensure to buy one that best fits your preference and circumstances.

What Else Are Toilet Papers Used For?

Although wiping after defecation is the number 1 use of toilet paper, there are several other cases where it can be useful.

Face Wiping

Generally, toilet paper comes easy and does a good job to clean your hands and face. When your face seems too moist, you can use toilet paper to absorb or reduce the moisture on your face.

Wiping/Blowing Nose

Toilet tissue can also be used to wipe/blow the nose, especially during cold seasons.

Covering and Cleaning Bathroom Surfaces

Toilet paper is a handy cleaning tool for wiping down surfaces such as toilet seats, flush handles, and countertops. It can be discomforting to use a public toilet or washroom, laying some toilet paper on the toilet seat can bring some measure of relief given your current situation. Toilet papers can also be useful in cleaning sensitive surfaces like mirrors and eyeglasses.


Whether you use 7 sheets of toilet paper or less, it’s getting the wipe smooth and clean that matters. When looking to buy toilet paper, you want to consider what type of toilet paper best fits your circumstances and how it can affect your environment.