There is no set rule, but typically you should change the bedding in a hamster cage every two to four weeks. This will help to keep the cage clean and reduce the likelihood of hamsters getting sick.

No, you don’t have to clean a hamster cage everyday. However, if your hamster is having accidents in the cage, you should clean it out as soon as possible.

The average hamster needs to drink about 2 ounces of water per day. You should change their water every day.

Hamsters are social animals and typically form strong bonds with their owners. Some hamsters may recognize their owners by their voice, appearance, or smell, but this is not always the case.

Hamsters can get sick from a dirty cage, but it’s not common. If the cage is kept clean, however, the hamster will have a better chance of avoiding sickness.

Yes, hamsters like dirty cages. A clean cage is not necessary for a hamster, as they are able to live in a variety of environments including ones that are quite dirty.

Hamsters can be left alone for short periods of time, but they need to be watched constantly. If they are left alone for too long, they may become anxious or destructive.

Hamsters should go in their ball every day.

Hamsters can drink tap water, but it’s not recommended because the water is not filtered.

There is no single answer to this question as hamsters vary a lot in their happiness levels. However, some signs that your hamster might be enjoying life include eating and drinking regularly, being active, and appearing content.

Hamsters do not enjoy being kissed, as they are known to be sensitive creatures.

Yes, hamsters learn their names. They will usually respond to their name when called by their owner.

Generally, hamsters will not care for their cages to be messy and will clean it themselves. However, if their cage is not cleaned on a regular basis, the hamster may start to make nests and/or produce more waste.

Hamster poop is not harmful to humans, but it can contain parasites and bacteria.

Typically, hamsters do not get mad when you clean their cage. They may initially be a little startled, but they will quickly get used to the new environment and enjoy the fresh smell and cleanliness.

Hamsters need to be fed a small amount of food every day.

There are a few ways to clean hamster poop. One is to pour a pot of hot water and soap into the cage and let the hamsters swim around in it until the poop is gone. Another way is to put the poop in a plastic bag and flush it down the toilet.