There is no set amount of time that you should change your guinea pig’s bedding, but it is generally recommended to change it every two to four weeks. Guinea pigs are very active animals and will often soil their bedding if it is not changed frequently enough.

Guinea pigs are very clean animals and they do not like their cage to be dirty.

No, you don’t have to clean guinea pig poop everyday. Guinea pigs are very clean animals and will usually only produce one or two bowel movements a day. If your guinea pig does produce more than one bowel movement in a day, you can try to clean it up with a slicker brush or wet paper towel.

If your guinea pig has a wire cage, you’ll need to remove the bottom wire panel and clean the inside of the cage with a hose. If your guinea pig has a plastic or metal cage, you can just wipe down the inside with a damp cloth.

Guinea pigs need fresh water every day, but it is important to change their water regularly to avoid bacteria and other contaminants. Guinea pigs should drink about 1 cup of fresh water per day.

Guinea pigs should be fed twice a day – in the morning and evening.

There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on the particular guinea pig and its diet. However, guinea pig poop generally contains high levels of fiber and other plant-based nutrients which may be beneficial to some pets, while others may find it unpalatable or even toxic. If your guinea pig is eating a varied diet with plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits, its poop should be relatively safe.

Guinea pigs are not good pets because they are active by day and relatively inactive by night. They also require a lot of care, including regular exercise and proper diet.

One option is to use a small pet carrier that can be attached to the side of the cage. Another option is to put them in a large, open area such as a playpen.

Tap water is safe for guinea pigs, but it’s always best to consult with a veterinarian if there are any concerns.

Guinea pigs will drink from either a water bottle or bowl, but they tend to prefer bowls because they are more comfortable.

Guinea pigs are omnivores and will eat a variety of things, including vegetables. However, their diet should be based on what they are specifically interested in eating, not what is required for a balanced diet.

Yes, it is generally safe to have guinea pigs in your bedroom. However, there are a few things to keep in mind: – Guinea pigs are curious animals and may explore your bedroom if they’re allowed to. Make sure any openings into the room are closed off so the pig doesn’t get out and explore. – Guinea pigs can be messy creatures, so make sure their bedding is clean and they have enough hay or pellets to eat.

Yes, guinea pigs can become attached to their owners. Some guinea pigs may even refuse to leave the owner’s side.

Guinea pigs can live anywhere from 2 to 4 years.

No, guinea pigs are not particularly noisy at night. They may make some small noises when they are moving around or when they are eating, but they are not especially loud.

Yes, guinea pigs can eat bananas. However, they should only eat small amounts as bananas are high in sugar.

Yes, guinea pigs do need water at night. They drink about 1 cup of water per day, so they will need to drink at night as well.

Guinea pigs can eat apples, but they may not enjoy them as much as other fruits. Apples are high in sugar and may not be good for their health.

Guinea pigs can drink water, fresh vegetables, and fruit.