Julie Harper, Jason Harper’s better half, shot him absurdly.


Morrison talks with Julie’s companions and neighbors, who say Julie changed after the introduction of her third kid, Joshua, in 2011.

Julie owned up to shooting and killing her better half while their three youngsters (ages 8, 6, and a year) were sitting in front of the TV in another room.

Dateline: How Old Is Julie harper Baby 2022? Julie Harper was expecting a kid at the hour of her subsequent preliminary, who might have been around 5-8 years of age now in 2022.

Julie detailed that the child was the aftereffect of IVF innovation.

The topic of how she was permitted to have the methodology while confronting a preliminary remaining parts unanswered.

The San Diego Union-Tribune page talks about the issue exhaustively, including if an individual confronting life in jail ought to be permitted to have kids.

For the present, there are not many insights regarding her fourth youngster, as she has stayed out of the range of the media.

Julie Harper was indicted in 2012, with a child named Josh who was just a year old at that point, and he is currently 12 years of age in 2022.

Julie harper Husband Jason Harper Murder Julie incidentally shot her better half Jason Harper in the middle.

Julie gave up to police the following day in the wake of talking with a legal advisor. The police didn’t find Jason’s body until late around evening time on August 12.

Julie was accused of his homicide, yet she asserted it was justifiably.

After the jury neglected to arrive at a decision in her most memorable preliminary in 2014, a malfeasance was proclaimed.

Julie’s subsequent preliminary was deferred after she became pregnant through in-vitro treatment.

She was viewed as at fault for second-degree murder and condemned to 40 years to life in jail in January 2016.

Julie Harper And Jason Harper Kids Details Following the homicide, Jason’s folks, Lina and Homer Harper took in the offspring of Julie and Jason Harper, Jack, Jacquelyn, and Josh.

Julie’s dad was depended with the consideration of the fourth youngster.

Josh was just a year old at the hour of the occurrence, and he was the kid Julie had to surrender because of her conviction.

The children had bad dreams about Julie seizing them from the outset, however they had worked on essentially in the years since the homicide.

The youngsters seem, by all accounts, to be living in Glendale, California, with their grandparents, however their own lives have been kept hidden for justifiable reasons.

What is Julie Harper Age? Her Release Date Details Julie Harper’s age is presently 49-50 years of age.

She was sentenced when she was 39 years of age, making her age at this point in 2022 a 49-year-elderly person.

Julie has not yet discussed her goal, but to say that she was acting justifiably.

For the present, her delivery date is set to a long time from 2018, which is practically in the year 2058.

The sentence has extremely lengthy years, and Julie is as yet attempting to get it diminished by 25 years.

Up to that point she will be in jail for quite a while.